Hi!  I am Savannah, aka The Savvy Rat.  It’s not a very flattering nickname, but somehow, it fits.

I am simply a young wife and mother figuring out how to live life to the fullest!

I am a Christian and my faith will play a large part in my life.  If you are a fellow believer, I hope you will find this a place of encouragement.  And if you are not a Christian, I hope that you enjoy my blog anyway and feel the freedom to ask me about my faith.

There are a few peeps you’re just going to see me mention.  It’s unavoidable.  And they are…

  • David: This is my wonderful husband!  We married on December 4th, 2009 after having been good friends for 8 years.  He is my best friend and SUPER FAVE!!!  He’s also my copy editor when I remember to send my posts to him before I publish.
  • Selah (we pronounce it Seh-luh): This is our daughter!  She was born on December 18th, 2010.  She is the skip in our step, and pretty much wonderful.  She is the first grand-daughter (and great grand-daughter) on both sides of her family so the little dear is very spoiled.
  • The Pups (Frankie and Gala): These are our dogs.  I have had them for almost 9 years!  They are my babies, and they have accepted the Padre, too.
